The Application Process |
The Application |
The P.L. 100-297 Grant Application was submitted September 28, 2015. The submission of the application starts a 120 "clock" in which the Tribe works with the BIE to ensure all elements of the application meet approval needs. On January 27, 2016, the BIE approved the Santa Clara Pueblo's application to convert the school
Below are some key dates in the application timeline: |
Here is the application that was submitted on September 28, 2015. This outlines the general academic plan moving forward, as well as some tentative timetables (many which have been since adjusted). The Grant Application Checklist outlines the items that the planning team is working on submitting to the BIE, including many policies and procedures.
PL 100-297 Application PL 100-297 Grant Application Checklist |